Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Top 5//Birthdate-Top10Billboard

Well, we have reached the two performance per contestant evening on Idol. Plus, each contestant will have two phone numbers, not sure which is more confusing the way this week is going..LOL…First up, songs from the Idol’s birthyear…then songs from the Billboard Top 10 from this week…(yawn)…this seems vaguely familiar to years past…Elliott (’78) with some George Benson, “Broadway”…did alright…for some reason last week to this week I’m not blown away…did well..no happy juice for Cowell tonight right off the bat! Paris up at #2…Prince “Kiss” first. (’88)..man I’m old…working the crowd, and she has always had the voice…she’s one of those, “HOW old is she?” She can perform…Chris up third (’79) Renegade…over the last few weeks, regardless of what I have said, (heard it here first). It’s Chris’s competition to lose…did a nice job on tune number one…Kat at 4…(’84)…Phil Collins, “Against All Odds”…seemed to be a little rough on the beginning, some pitch problems, but she looks great…nice wrap at the end…and we caught Simon saying it was one of her best, and it wasn’t…Taylor…Wild Cherry…HUH?, ok…hide the kids…not exactly sure what you call that, but his legs are moving…he did this first tune to have fun and he is having fun, great personality on that one…ok, clear the slate, minus Taylor’s dancing which I will be having nightmares about later…Second song off the Top 10 Billboard Charts…Elliott, Michael Buble, “Home”…great for his tenor voice…but a boring performance, he didn’t add anything too it, minimal personality…makes me wanna break out the lighter/cell phone light and wave it in the air…LOL….Simon added some humor saying “I Wanna Go Home” may not be the best lyrical choice…Paris, “Be With You”, Mary J. Blige…sounded solid, HUGE risk…it’s like Paris is two different people….amazing…Chris, “I Dare You”…singing with emotion…two solid performances from Chris tonight…Kat with “Katie Turnstall”…solid vocal…had some fun with it and was solid… Taylor with the Beatles, “Something”…ok so he saved face on that one, but will it save him…

  Going home…it’s between Paris and Taylor…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good blog!! huahuahua.