Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Idol Men(Top 10)

    Aaaah, another night of Idol, lets see how right the judges are this evening. (Another DVR, real time night)..Contestants choose their own songs…if that happened last night, it explains A LOT! Taylor is up first..some Commodores, Easy(Like Sunday Morning)…vocals are a tad shaky, pulled it through in the end and threw some personality into it. (Bo Bice in the crown tonight) aaah Simon, “The old Wrong Choice of Song” line….slightly familiar….(not overused at all). Next up Elliott, ooh a song from E.T…..(kidding) going a little soulful tonight with some Stevie Wonder.…sounded about ¼-1/2 crooner to me. Not bad. A standing O from Randy…Simon said it was the wrong….no…the said it was a great performance. He needs to raise the bar, for sure. Look out ladies, Mr. Camera to make you melt is up….Ace..with some D. Bed, aka Daniel Beddingfield…going for the falsetto, a little rough. He took a risk and did well. Simon things he won’t be happy with his vote back…(got some boos). However Simon does seem to know what he’s talking about…I don’t think Ace is going anywhere. Okay eyebrown man is up, Gideon, has some good range…whoa, someone came to play tonight….Simon giving him some props…Kevin in at #5, some Marvin/Heard it Through, if he didn’t “bounce” up and down he would have sounded better, but he ended it nicely. He had a great time performing. Simon’s streak of one compliment is broken once again….Another Stevie tune..”Sway” had the ladies swayin’ but not the judges…he may be in the bottom two tomorrow night for the guys. Simon says there was no originality and he did it all wrong, I tend to agree. Wow, the men can pick songs…next up Will with some Kenny Rogers/Lady, showing some range and length. Someone else came to play tonight for the men…some falsetto at the end…Paula said it was too safe, Simon says it was like an audition for “Cats”. I feel bad for Bucky because he does “Country” really well, pulling for some Garth, did it really well, took some risk at the start and pulled it off. Next up…Mr. Crooner, David…he “crooned” well, if that makes any sense, with some personality. David was in his zone, he needs to break out of the zone with some confidence, he seemed nervous tonight. Ending with Chris and some “Fuel”..he is hands down in my opinion definitely here to play. He has one of those “Rock”y voices, seems completely comfortable on stage, with some great vocal range.

  Judges tonight: Once again, pretty close to dead on. Simon seems to be getting “stale”, that’s all I’m saying about that.  

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